
Time for a Change

      I’ve been searching for the strength to write out how I’ve felt over these last few days. Mainly because my emotions have shifted so much this week. I’ve felt anger, sadness, more anger, frustration, and at times hopelessness. But the one overwhelming emotion I’ve felt is exhaustion. I, like so many others, am fed up.

I am tired of living in a country that continues to take from the black community. They take our culture. They take our resources. They take our neighborhoods. They take our lives. We give and we give until we can’t give anymore and all we are left with is pain, worry, and uncertainty of our future. They see us as scapegoats, criminals, as walking targets. We deserve better.

      The murder of George Floyd has sparked a revolution that we all need. For those uncomfortable with what’s happening: it’s time to get uncomfortable. We should have never been comfortable with prejudice, murder, and hate.

      Whether you choose to protest, donate, or vote during this time, I urge you to show support to the family and friends of all the innocent people who have been killed by law enforcement. Also, show support to your black brothers and sisters at this time. Support black businesses, call out racists and keep protesting.

 To all of my black folk reading this: we got this. We are resilient, powerful, and beautiful. When we come together as one, we have the strength to move mountains. I love you all.


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