Blog Quarantine Diaries

What Quarantine Has Taught Me

 May 16, 2020: What has Quarantine Taught Me?

If I was asked in January what I expected from 2020, forced isolation because of a global pandemic wouldn’t have been in the cards. I probably would have said traveling, saving, or brunching; not being stuck at home learning about a crazy meth-addicted exotic animal keeper named Joe Exotic. But here we are. Honestly, at the beginning of all of this, I was terrified. I live with someone who is immunocompromised, so I have to take extra precautions during this time. Even with that, in the back of my mind, I thought it would blow over in a month or so. WELP.

Though this quarantine has taken us all through the wringer, emotionally and mentally, I have definitely learned a few things at this time

1. People Need People

I would consider myself an introvert. I loooooooove my own company. A glass of wine with an empty house and a good book would have been my dream. In the quarantine, I have learned that no matter how much of an introvert I am, I still need human interaction. I took for granted the small things like meeting my friends for brunch or even going to the gym. At this point, I miss doing the mundane things like going to Target to browse (without a mask) or grabbing drinks after work with my coworkers. And if you’re my friend and I have canceled plans on you…. I promise I’ll never do it again.

2. Family’s Everything

My family has always been important, but life often makes us overlook what’s important. Before this quarantine, I was working 50 hours a week and barely got time to spend time with them. Since I’ve been quarantining with my mother and younger sister, it’s been eye-opening. We’ve had no choice but to spend an immense amount of time and it’s been great. We’ve gotten even closer and I realize that the safest I feel is with them.

3. Trust God’s Timing

During a vision board party in January, I said my main goal for 2020 was to find my purpose. In 2019, I struggled to understand what exactly I wanted to do. Quite frankly, I was having an early quarter-life crisis. This quarantine has given me the clarity to understand what it is I really want out of my life. Shoot! In this quarantine, I found the time to create this website! I have learned so much about myself and the people closest to me during this time and for that I’m grateful.

I know that this quarantine has been stressful for us all, but I encourage you to take a look at what you’ve learned about yourself during isolation. It’s not ideal, but we’ll get through this together!

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